Ecosystem Engineers
Ziegler, S. L., W. E. Atencio, J. M. Carroll, & J. E. Byers. 2024. High parasite prevalence in an ecosystem engineer correlated with both local and landscape-level factors. Oecologia 205: 423-425. PDF
Stanley, R. E., M. V. Bilskie, C. B. Woodson, & J. E. Byers. 2024. A model for understanding the effects of flow conditions on oyster reef development and impacts to wave attenuation. Ecological Modelling 489: 110627. PDF
Byers, J. E. 2024. Using ecosystem engineers to enhance multiple ecosystem processes. Functional Ecology 38: 22-36. PDF
van Rees, C. B., D. Hernandez-Abrams, M. Shudtz, R. Lammers, J. E. Byers, B. Bledsoe, M. V. Bilskie, J. Calabria, M. Chambers, E. Dolatowski, S. Ferreira, L. Naslund, N. Nibbelink, B. Suedel, A. Tritinger, C. B. Woodson, S. K. McKay, S. J. Wenger. Re-imagining infrastructure for a biodiverse future. 2023. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 120(46): e2214334120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2214334120 PDF
Harris, R. D., J. A. Blaze, & J. E. Byers. 2023. Facilitation between two dominant ecosystem engineers extends their footprints and degree of overlap. J. Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 568, 151944, PDF
Suedel, B. C., J. Calabria, M. V. Bilskie, J. E. Byers, K. Broich, S. K. McKay, A. S. Tritinger, C. B. Woodson, & E. Dolatowski. 2022. Engineering coastal structures to centrally embrace biodiversity. Journal of Environmental Management 323: 116138. PDF
Smith, R. S., J. Beauvais, & J. E. Byers. 2022. Traits of resident saltmarsh plants promote retention of range-expanding mangroves under specific tidal regimes. Estuaries and Coasts 45: 1422-1433. PDF
Yarnall, A. H., J. E. Byers, L. A. Yeager, & F. J. Fodrie. 2022. Comparing edge and fragmentation effects within seagrass communities: a meta-analysis. Ecology 103(3): e3603. PDF
Firth, L. B., D. Harris, J.A. Blaze, M.P. Marzloff, A. Boyé, P.I. Miller, A. Curd, M. Vasquez, J.D. Nunn, N.E. O’Connor, A.M. Power, N. Mieszkowska, R.M. O’Riordan, M.T. Burrows, L.M. Bricheno, A.M. Knights, F.L.D. Nunes, F. Bordeyne, L.E. Bush, J. E. Byers, C. David, A.J. Davies, S.F. Dubois, H. Edwards, A. Foggo, L. Grant, J.A.M. Green, P.E. Gribben, F.P. Lima, D. McGrath, L.M.L.J. Noël, R. Seabra, C. Simkanin, S.J. Hawkins. 2021. Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation. Diversity and Distributions 27: 668-683. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13224. PDF
Smith, R. S.,J. A. Blaze, & J. E. Byers. 2021. Dead litter of resident species first facilitates and then inhibits sequential life stages of range-expanding species. Journal of Ecology 109: 1649-1664. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13538. (With cover). PDF
Kimbro, D. L., A. Scherer, J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, A. R. Hughes, M. F. Piehler, & D. Smee. 2020. Environmental gradients influence biogeographic patterns of nonconsumptive predator effects on oysters. Ecosphere 11(10): e03260. PDF
Haram, L. E., E. E. Sotka, & J. E. Byers. 2020. Effects of novel, non-native detritus on decomposition and invertebrate community assemblage. Marine Ecology Progress Series 643: 49-61. doi: 10.3354/meps13335. PDF
Smith, R. S.,J. A. Blaze, & J. E. Byers. 2020. Negative indirect effects of hurricanes on recruitment of range-expanding mangroves. Marine Ecology Progress Series 644: 65-74. doi: 10.3354/meps13351. PDF
Chen, E., J. A. Blaze, R. S. Smith, S. Peng, J. E. Byers. 2020. Freeze-tolerance of poleward-spreading mangrove species weakened by soil properties of resident salt marsh competitor. Journal of Ecology 108: 1725-1737. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13350. PDF
Keisling, C., R. D. Harris, J. Blaze, J. Coffin, & J. E. Byers. 2020. Low concentrations and low spatial variability of marine microplastics in oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in a rural Georgia estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 150: 110672. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110672. PDF
Grabowski, J. H., T. C. Gouhier, J. E. Byers, L. F. Dodd, A. R. Hughes, M. F. Piehler, & D. L. Kimbro. 2020. Regional environmental variation and local species interactions influence biogeographic structure on oyster reefs. Ecology. doi: 10.1002/ecy.2921. PDF
Smith, R. S.,T. Z. Osborne, I. C. Feller, & J. E. Byers. 2019. Detrital traits affect substitutability of a range-expanding foundation species across latitude. Oikos 128(9): 1367-1380. doi: 10.1111/oik.06149. PDF
Hughes, A. R., T. C. Hanley, J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, T. McCrudden, M. F. Piehler, D. L. Kimbro. 2019. Genetic diversity and phenotypic variation within hatchery-produced oyster cohorts predict size and success in the field. Ecological Applications. 29(6): e01940, 1158-1171. doi: 10.1002/eap.1940. PDF
Sotka, E. E. and J. E. Byers. 2019. Not so fast. Promoting invasive species to enhance multifunctionality in a native ecosystem requires strong(er) scrutiny. Biological Invasions 21: 19-25. doi: 10.1007/s10530-018-1822-0. PDF
Byers, J. E. and E. E. Sotka. 2019. Promoting invasive species to enhance multifunctionality in a native ecosystem still requires strong(er) scrutiny. Biological Invasions 21(2): 277-280. doi: 10.1007/s10530-018-1851-8. PDF
Haram, L. E., K. A. Kinney, E. E. Sotka, & J. E. Byers. 2018. Mixed effects of an introduced ecosystem engineer on the foraging behavior and habitat selection of predators. Ecology. PDF
Wright, J.T., Z. C. Holmes, & J. E. Byers. 2018. Stronger positive association between an invasive crab and a native intertidal ecosystem engineer with increasing wave exposure. Marine Environmental Research 142: 124-129. PDF
Smith, R. S., J. A. Blaze, T. Z. Osborne, & J. E. Byers. 2018. Facilitating your replacement? Ecosystem engineer legacy affects establishment success of an expanding competitor. Oecologia 188(1): 251-262. PDF
Malek, J. C. and J. E Byers. 2018. Responses of an oyster host (Crassostrea virginica) and its protozoan parasite (Perkinsus marinus) to increasing air temperature. PeerJ 6:e5046. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5046. PDF
Byers, J. E., Z. C. Holmes, & J. C. Malek. 2017. Variation in strength of a trophic cascade influenced by contrasting complexity of adjacent habitats. Oecologia 185: 107-117. doi: 10.1007/s00442-017-3928-y PDF
Malek, J. C. and J. E. Byers. 2017. The effects of tidal elevation on parasite heterogeneity and co-infection in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology 494: 32-37. PDF
Schutte, V.G. W. and J. E. Byers. 2017. Variation in simple trait of mangrove roots governs predator access to, and community composition of, epibiotic sponges. Marine Ecology Progress Series 573: 15-23. PDF
Krueger-Hadfield, S. A., N. M. Kollars, A. E. Strand, J. E. Byers, S. J. Shainker, R. Terada, T. W. Greig, M. Hammann, D. C. Murray, F. Weinberger, & E. E. Sotka. 2017. Genetic identification of source and likely vector of a widespread marine invader. Ecology and Evolution 7(12): 4432-4447. PDF
Hughes, A. R., T.C. Hanley, J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, J. C. Malek, M. F. Piehler, & D. L. Kimbro. 2017. Genetic by environmental variation but no local adaptation in juvenile oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Ecology and Evolution 7: 697–709. PDF
Gehman, A. M., J. H. Grabowski, A. R. Hughes, D. L. Kimbro, M. F. Piehler, & J. E. Byers.. 2017. Predators, environment and host characteristics influence the probability of infection by an invasive castrating parasite. Oecologia 183: 139–149. PDF
Malek, J. C. and J. E. Byers. 2016. Predator effects on host-parasite interactions in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Marine Ecology Progress Series 556: 131-141. PDF
Kollars, N. M., J. E. Byers, & E. E. Sotka. 2016. Invasive décor: An association between a native decorator worm and a non-native seaweed can be mutualistic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 545: 135-145.
Bishop, M. J. and J. E. Byers. 2015. Predation risk predicts use of a novel habitat. Oikos 124(9): 1225-1231. doi: 10.1111/oik.01967. PDF
Wright, J. T., J. E. Byers, J. L. DeVore, & E. E. Sotka. 2014. Engineering or food? Mechanisms of facilitation by a habitat-forming invasive seaweed. Ecology 95(10): 2699-2706. PDF
Kimbro, D. L., J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, A.R. Hughes, & M. F. Piehler. 2014. The biogeography of trophic cascades on U.S. oyster reefs. Ecology Letters 17(7): 845-854. PDF
Byers, J. E., R. S. Smith, H. W. Weiksel, & C. Y. Robertson. 2014. A non-native prey mediates the effects of a shared predator on an ecosystem service. PLoS One 9(4): e93969. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093969. PDF
Byers, J. E. and J.H. Grabowski. 2014. Soft-sediment communities. In: Marine Community Ecology. Eds.: M. D. Bertness, J. F. Bruno, B. R. Silliman & J. J. Stachowicz. Sinauer, p.227-249. PDF
Gribben, P. E., J. E. Byers, J. T. Wright & T. M. Glasby. 2013. Positive versus negative effects of an invasive ecosystem engineer on different components of a marine ecosystem. Oikos 122: 816-824. (Highlighted as an Editor’s Choice Manuscript). PDF
Byers, J. E., P.E. Gribben, C. Yeager, & E. Sotka. 2012. Impacts of an abundant invasive ecosystem engineer within mudflats of the southeastern US coast. Biological Invasions 14: 2587-2600. PDF
Wright, J.T., P.E. Gribben, J. E. Byers, & K. Monro. 2012. Invasive ecosystem engineer selects for different phenotypes of an associated native species. Ecology 93(6): 1262-1268. PDF
Bishop, M. J., J. E. Byers, B.J. Marcek, & P.E. Gribben. 2012. Density-dependent facilitation cascades determine epifaunal community structure in temperate Australian mangroves. Ecology 93(6): 1388-1401. PDF
Wright, J.T., J. E. Byers, L.P. Koukoumaftsis, & P.E. Gribben. 2012. Differences in anti-predator traits of a native bivalve following invasion by a habitat-forming seaweed. Marine & Freshwater Research 63: 246-250. PDF
Gutiérrez, J.L., C.G. Jones, J. E. Byers, K.K. Arkema, K. Berkenbusch, J.A. Commito, C.M. Duarte, S.D. Hacker, I.E. Hendriks, P.J. Hogarth, J.G. Lambrinos, M.G. Palomo, & C. Wild. 2011. Physical ecosystem engineers and the functioning of estuaries and coasts. Chapter 5, in Vol. 7: Functioning of Estuaries and Coastal Ecosystems. Eds.: C.H.R. Heip, C.J.M., Philippart, & J.J. Middelburg. In: Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Series Eds., E. Wolanski, & D. McLusky), Elsevier, p.53-81. PDF
Jones, C.G., J.L. Gutiérrez, J. E. Byers, J.A. Crooks, J.G. Lambrinos, & T.S. Talley. 2010. A framework for understanding physical ecosystem engineering by organisms. Oikos 119: 1862-1869. PDF
Byers, J. E., P.E. Gribben, & J.T. Wright. 2010. Variable direct and indirect effects of a habitat-modifying invasive species on mortality of native fauna. Ecology 91(6): 1787-1798. PDF
Wright, J.T., J. E. Byers, L.P. Koukoumaftsis, P.J. Ralph, & P.E. Gribben. 2010. Native species behaviour mitigates the impact of habitat-forming invasive seaweed. Oecologia 163: 527-34. PDF
Gribben, P.E., J. E. Byers, M. Clements, L.A. McKenzie, P.D. Steinberg, & J.T. Wright. 2009. Behavioural interactions between ecosystems engineers control community species richness. Ecology Letters 12(11): 1127-1136. PDF
Byers, J. E. 2009. Invasive animals in marshes: Biological agents of change. In: Human impacts on salt marshes: A global perspective. Eds.: Brian Silliman, Edwin Grosholz & Mark Bertness. University of California Press. pp. 41-56. PDF
Byers, J. E. 2007. Lessons from disparate ecosystem engineers. In: Ecosystem engineering: plants to protists. Eds.: K. Cuddington, J. E. Byers, W. Wilson, & A. Hastings. Academic Press, Burlington, MA, pp.203-208. PDF
Hastings, A., J. E. Byers, J. Crooks, K. Cuddington, C. Jones, J. Lambrinos, T. Talley, & W. Wilson. 2007. Ecosystem engineering in space and time. Ecology Letters 10(2): 153-164. PDF
BOOK: K. Cuddington, J. E. Byers, W. Wilson and A. Hastings, editors. 2007. Ecosystem engineering: plants to protists. Academic Press.
Byers, J. E., K. Cuddington, C. Jones, T. Talley, A. Hastings, J. Lambrinos, J. Crooks, & W. Wilson. 2006. Using ecosystem engineers to restore ecological systems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 21(9): 493-500. PDF
Lenihan, H.S., C.H. Peterson, J. E. Byers, J.H. Grabowski, G.W. Thayer, & D.R. Colby. 2001. Cascading of habitat degradation: oyster reefs invaded by refugee fishes escaping stress. Ecological Applications 11(3): 764-782. PDF
Hughes, A. R., T.C. Hanley, J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, J. C. Malek, M. F. Piehler, & D. L. Kimbro. (in revision). Genetic by environmental variation but no local adaptation in juvenile oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Ecology and Evolution.
Krueger-Hadfield, S. A., N. M. Kollars, A. E. Strand, J. E. Byers, S. J. Shainker, R. Terada, T. W. Greig, M. Hammann, D. C. Murray, F. Weinberger, & E. E. Sotka. (in prep). Northeastern Japan is a hotspot for marine invasions: the case study of the red seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla in the northern hemisphere. Molecular Ecology.