Biogeography & Evolution of Species Ranges
Byers, J. E. and J. M. Pringle. 2024. Variation in oceanographic resistance of the world’s coastlines to invasion by species with planktonic dispersal. Ecology Letters 27(9): e14520. PDF
Esser, E. A., J. M. Pringle, & J. E. Byers. 2023. Neither larval duration nor dispersal distance predict spatial genetic diversity in planktonic dispersing species. Marine Ecology Progress Series 721:161-167. PDF
Smith, R. S., J. Beauvais, & J. E. Byers. 2022. Traits of resident saltmarsh plants promote retention of range-expanding mangroves under specific tidal regimes. Estuaries and Coasts 45: 1422-1433. PDF
Smith, R. S.,J. A. Blaze, & J. E. Byers. 2021. Dead litter of resident species first facilitates and then inhibits sequential life stages of range-expanding species. Journal of Ecology 109: 1649-1664. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13538. (With cover). PDF
Firth, L. B., D. Harris, J.A. Blaze, M.P. Marzloff, A. Boyé, P.I. Miller, A. Curd, M. Vasquez, J.D. Nunn, N.E. O’Connor, A.M. Power, N. Mieszkowska, R.M. O’Riordan, M.T. Burrows, L.M. Bricheno, A.M. Knights, F.L.D. Nunes, F. Bordeyne, L.E. Bush, J. E. Byers, C. David, A.J. Davies, S.F. Dubois, H. Edwards, A. Foggo, L. Grant, J.A.M. Green, P.E. Gribben, F.P. Lima, D. McGrath, L.M.L.J. Noël, R. Seabra, C. Simkanin, S.J. Hawkins. 2021. Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation. Diversity and Distributions 27: 668-683. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13224. PDF
Alvarez-Noriega, M., S. C. Burgess, J. E. Byers, J. M. Pringle, J. P. Wares, & D. J. Marshall. 2020. Global biogeography of marine dispersal potential. Nature Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-1238-y. PDF
Gribben, P. E. and J. E. Byers. 2020. Comparative biogeography of marine invaders across their native and introduced ranges. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 58: 395-440. PDF
Smith, R. S.,J. A. Blaze, & J. E. Byers. 2020. Negative indirect effects of hurricanes on recruitment of range-expanding mangroves. Marine Ecology Progress Series 644: 65-74. doi: 10.3354/meps13351. PDF
Chen, E., J. A. Blaze, R. S. Smith, S. Peng, J. E. Byers. 2020. Freeze-tolerance of poleward-spreading mangrove species weakened by soil properties of resident salt marsh competitor. Journal of Ecology 108: 1725-1737. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13350. PDF
Smith, R. S.,T. Z. Osborne, I. C. Feller, & J. E. Byers. 2019. Detrital traits affect substitutability of a range-expanding foundation species across latitude. Oikos 128(9): 1367-1380. doi: 10.1111/oik.06149. PDF
Byers, J. E., J.P. Schmidt, P. Pappalardo, S. Haas, & P. R. Stephens. 2019. What factors explain the geographic range of mammalian parasites? Proceedings of the Royal Society London B Biol Sci. 286: 20190673. PDF
Hughes, A. R., T. C. Hanley, J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, T. McCrudden, M. F. Piehler, D. L. Kimbro. 2019. Genetic diversity and phenotypic variation within hatchery-produced oyster cohorts predict size and success in the field. Ecological Applications. 29(6): e01940, 1158-1171. doi: 10.1002/eap.1940. PDF
Kinney, K. A., L. M. Pintor, & J. E. Byers. 2019. Does predator-driven, biotic resistance limit the northward spread of the non-native green porcelain crab, Petrolisthes armatus? Biological Invasions 21: 245-260. PDF
Wright, J.T., Z. C. Holmes, & J. E. Byers. 2018. Stronger positive association between an invasive crab and a native intertidal ecosystem engineer with increasing wave exposure. Marine Environmental Research 142: 124-129. PDF
Smith, R. S., J. A. Blaze, T. Z. Osborne, & J. E. Byers. 2018. Facilitating your replacement? Ecosystem engineer legacy affects establishment success of an expanding competitor. Oecologia 188(1): 251-262. PDF
Gehman, A. M.*, R. J. Hall, & J. E. Byers. 2018. Host and parasite thermal ecology jointly determine the effect of climate warming on epidemic dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(4): 744-749. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1705067115. PDF (*winner of ESA’s Aquatic Section Thomas M. Frost Award for Excellence in Graduate Research 2018)
Keogh, C. L., O. Miura, T. Nishimura, & J. E. Byers. 2017. The double edge to parasite escape: invasive host is less infected but more infectable. Ecology 98(9): 2241-2247. PDF
Hughes, A. R., T.C. Hanley, J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, J. C. Malek, M. F. Piehler, & D. L. Kimbro. 2017. Genetic by environmental variation but no local adaptation in juvenile oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Ecology and Evolution 7: 697–709. PDF
Pringle, J. M., J. E. Byers, R. He, P. Pappalardo, & J.P. Wares. 2017. Ocean currents and competitive strength interact to cluster benthic species range boundaries in the coastal ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 567: 29-40. PDF
Krueger-Hadfield, S. A., N. M. Kollars, A. E. Strand, J. E. Byers, S. J. Shainker, R. Terada, T. W. Greig, M. Hammann, D. C. Murray, F. Weinberger, & E. E. Sotka. (in press, 2017). The identification of source and vector of a prolific marine invader. Ecology and Evolution.
Gehman, A. M., J. H. Grabowski, A. R. Hughes, D. L. Kimbro, M. F. Piehler, & J. E. Byers.. 2017. Predators, environment and host characteristics influence the probability of infection by an invasive castrating parasite. Oecologia 183: 139–149. PDF
Stephens, P. R., P. Pappalardo, S. Huang, J. E. Byers, M. J. Farrell, A. Gehman, R.R. Ghai, S.E. Haas, B. Han, A.W. Park, J.P. Schmidt, S. Altizer, V.O. Ezenwa, C.L. Nunn. in press, 2017. Global Mammal Parasite Database version 2.0. Ecology 98(5): 1476. PDF
Stephens, P. R., S. Altizer, K. F. Smith, A. A. Aguirre, J. H. Brown, S.A. Budischack, J. E. Byers, T. A. Dallas, T.J. Davies, J. M. Drake, V. O. Ezenwa, M. J. Ferrell, J.L. Gittleman, B. A. Han, S. Huang, R. A. Hutchinson, P. Johnson, C. L. Nunn, D. Onstad, A. Park, G. M. Vazquez-Prokopec, J. P. Schmidt, & R. Poulin. 2016. The macroecology of infectious diseases: A new perspective on global-scale drivers of pathogen distributions and impacts. Ecology Letters 19: 1159-1171. PDF
Ewers-Saucedo, C., J. M. Pringle, H. H. Sepúlveda, J. E. Byers, Navarrete, S.A., & J. P. Wares. 2016. The oceanic concordance of phylogeography and biogeography: A case study in Notochthamalus. Ecology and Evolution 6(13): 4403-4420. PDF
Krueger-Hadfield, S. A., N. M. Kollars, J. E. Byers, T. W. Greig, M. Hammann, D. C. Murray, C. J. Murren, A. E. Strand, R. Terada, F. Weinberger, & E. E. Sotka. 2016. Invasion of novel habitats uncouples haplo-diplontic life cycles. Molecular Ecology 25: 3801-3816. PDF
Byers, J. E., R. S. Smith, J. M. Pringle, G. F. Clark, P. E. Gribben, C. L. Hewitt, G. J. Inglis, E. L. Johnston, G. M. Ruiz, J. J. Stachowicz, & M. J. Bishop. 2015. Invasion expansion: time since introduction best predicts global ranges of marine invaders. Scientific Reports 5, 12436; doi: 10.1038/srep12436. PDF
Byers, J. E., J. H. Grabowski, M. F. Piehler, A. R. Hughes, H. W. Weiskel, J. C. Malek, & D. L. Kimbro. 2015. Geographic variation in intertidal oyster reef properties and the influence of tidal prism. Limnology & Oceanography 60: 1051-1063. PDF
Pappalardo, P., J. M. Pringle, J. P. Wares, & J. E. Byers. 2015. The location, strength, and mechanisms behind marine biogeographic boundaries of the east coast of North America. Ecography 38: 722-731. doi: 10.1111/ecog.01135. PDF
Kimbro, D. L., J. E. Byers, J. H. Grabowski, A.R. Hughes, & M. F. Piehler. 2014. The biogeography of trophic cascades on U.S. oyster reefs. Ecology Letters 17(7): 845-854. PDF
Altman, I. and J. E. Byers. 2014. Large scale spatial variation in parasite communities influenced by anthropogenic factors. Ecology 95(7): 1876-1887. PDF
Pringle, J. M., J. E. Byers, P. Pappalardo, J.P. Wares & D. Marshall. 2014. Circulation constrains the evolution of larval development modes and life histories in the coastal ocean. Ecology 95(4): 1022-1032. PDF
Byers, J. E., T. L. Rogers, J. H. Grabowski, A.R. Hughes, M. F. Piehler, & D. L. Kimbro. 2014. Host and parasite recruitment correlated at a biogeographic scale. Oecologia 174: 731-738. PDF
Colautti, R.I., S.J. Franks, R.A. Hufbauer, P.M. Kotanen, M.E. Torchin, J. E. Byers, P. Pyšek, & O. Bossdorf. 2014. The global garlic mustard field survey (GGMFS): challenges and opportunities of a unique, large-scale collaboration for invasion biology. Neobiota 21: 29-47. PDF
Altman, S., J. D. Robinson, J. M. Pringle, J. E. Byers, & J. P. Wares. 2013. Edges and overlaps in Northwest Atlantic phylogeography. Diversity 5(2): 263-275; doi:10.3390/d5020263 (Special volume: Biogeography and Biodiversity Conservation). PDF
Parker, J. D., M.E. Torchin, R.A. Hufbauer, N.P. Lemoine, C. Alba, D.M. Blumenthal, O. Bossdorf, J. E. Byers, A.M. Dunn, R.W. Heckman, M. Hejda, V. Jarošík, A.R. Kanarek, L.B. Martin, S.E. Perkins, P. Pyšek, K. Schierenbeck, C. Schlöder, R. van Klinken, K.J. Vaughn, W. Williams, & L.M. Wolfe. 2013. Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges? Ecology 94(5): 985-994. PDF
Byers, J. E., W.G. McDowell, S. Robertson, R. Haynie, L.M. Pintor, & S.B. Wilde. 2013. Climate and pH predict the potential range of the invasive apple snail (Pomacea insularum) in the southeastern United States. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56812. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056812. PDF
Pringle, J.M., A.M.H. Blakeslee, J. E. Byers, & J. Roman. 2011. Asymmetric dispersal allows an upstream region to control population structure throughout a species’ range. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(37): 15288-15293. PDF
Canning-Clode, J., A.E. Fowler, J. E. Byers, J.T. Carlton, & G.M. Ruiz. 2011. ‘Caribbean Creep’ chills out: climate change and marine invasive species. PLoS ONE 6(12): e29657. PDF
Blakeslee, A.M.H., C.H. McKenzie, J.A. Darling, J. E. Byers, J.M. Pringle, & J. Roman. 2010. A hitchhiker’s guide to the Maritimes: anthropogenic transport facilitates long-distance dispersal of an invasive marine crab to Newfoundland. Diversity and Distributions 16(6): 879-891. PDF
Brawley, S. H., J.A. Coyer, A.M.H. Blakeslee, G. Hoarau, L.E. Johnson, J. E. Byers, W.T. Stam, & J.L. Olsen. 2009. Historical invasions of the intertidal zone of Atlantic North America associated with distinctive patterns of trade and emigration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(20): 8239-8244. PDF
Blakeslee, A.M.H., J. E. Byers, & M.P. Lesser. 2008. Solving cryptogenic histories using host and parasite molecular genetics: the resolution of Littorina littorea’s North American origin. Molecular Ecology 17(16): 3684-3696. PDF
Byers, J. E. and J.M. Pringle. 2008. Going against the flow: how invasions spread and persist in the face of advection. [Extended Abstract]. ICES Journal of Marine Science 65: 723-724. PDF
Blakeslee, A.M.H. and J. E. Byers. 2008. Using parasites to inform ecological history: comparisons among three congeneric marine snails. Ecology 89(4): 1068-1078. PDF
Byers, J. E., A. Blakeslee, E. Linder, A. Cooper, & T. Maguire. 2008. Controls of spatial variation in the prevalence of trematode parasites infecting a marine snail. Ecology 89(2):439-451. PDF
Freeman, A. and J. E. Byers. 2006. Divergent induced responses to an invasive predator in marine mussel populations. Science 313 (5788): 831-833. PDF
Byers, J. E. and J. M. Pringle. 2006. Going against the flow: retention, range limits and invasions in advective environments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 313: 27-41. PDF
Reusink, J., H. Lenihan, A. Trimble, K. Heiman, F. Micheli, J. E. Byers, & M. Kay. 2005. Introduction of non-native oysters: ecosystem effects and restoration implications. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 36: 643-689. PDF
Byers, J. E. 2005. Quantifying geographical variation in physiological performance to address the absence of invading species. Ecoscience 12(3): 358-365. (Special volume: Spatial and temporal dynamics of biological invasions). PDF
Byers, J. E. 1999. The distribution of an introduced mollusc and its role in the long-term demise of a native confamilial species. Biological Invasions 1(4): 339-353. PDF